Monday, March 8, 2010

How Passionate Are You?

I took A quiz which has the same title as this topic , And the Result was 87% true , I'm not sure about the things related to other people ... Any way the answer was ...

You're a free spirit

Key Traits: romantic, dreamer, fickle, communicative, eager, fun, sprightly You're a free and creative spirit. Some people might call you a non-conformist, but you'd like to think of yourself as one who sees beauty where others might miss it. You are inspired and feel passionate about the little things -- the way the sun beams through a window, a memorable guitar riff, a sparkle in someone's eye. Face it. You're a romantic, and even a bit on the wild side when it comes to sex. Your friends and family enjoy your company and value the way you view the world through your own kaleidoscope. People love how imaginative and expressive you are. On the flip side, it takes a lot to keep your attention. But when you encounter someone who can pique your interest and complement your creative disposition, it will be rewarding and powerful!


يا مراكبي said...

أيوة يعني من الآخر انت عاطفي زي ما بيوصفوا كده فعلا وألا لأ؟


max.adams said...

في الواقع أنا مش بعترف لنفسي اني عاطفي ، بس بصطدم بالحقيقة دي من وقت للتاني


heba said...
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heba said...
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heba said...

You are really .. a free spirit
but that doesn't mean just passion .. it means every thing

c u with love

max.adams said...

بشكرك بشده على مساندتك ليا يا أختاه ،، ربنا يجازيكي عني كل خير